Im working with an application that uses a table with (name, gender) as a schema. This is used to retrieve the gender of a given name. So what im struggling to achieve here is to give parse an Array with thousands of names and return as result the gender for each name. Can I make it with one Parse call only?
I tried using Parse.Query.or with a query for each name but sadly this only supports 10 different queries.
Any ideas?
Parse can return only 1000 records per query at most. So if you have N number of names. It will require minimum N/1000 queries.
Reference for parse limitations
To optimally make queries you can make a batch of 1000 names and make query to Parse and set limit to 1000. Then iterate all the records and generate a dictionary. But to make it even more faster you can make those calls asynchronously.
// function to fetch gender of list of names
function fetchGenderOfNames(arrayOfNames, successCallback, errorCallback){
var numberOfBatches = (arrayOfNames.length/1000 + (arrayOfNames.length % 1000)? 1 : 0),
callCount = 0,
genderOfNames = {},
errorFlag = false;
function querySuccessCallback(records){
genderOfNames[record.get('name')] = record.get('gender');
if(callCount == numberOfBatches){
function queryErrorCallback(error){
errorFlag = true;
for(var arrayIndex = 0; arrayIndex < arrayOfNames.length; arrayIndex += 1000){
var genderQuery = new Parse.Query('Table_name');
// following match will be case sensitive
genderQuery.containedIn('name', arrayOfNames.slice(arrayIndex, arrayIndex + 1000);
genderQuery.find({success: querySuccessCallback, error: queryErrorCallback});