I have an ASIO device (Presonus Firestudio 2626). I am using it to mix and create different outputs on all of it's provided outputs (about 9 outputs like ADT1, ADT2). I need someway to stream these outputs using either IceCast or FFMpeg RTP.
One of the problems is that I have a restriction on using only a MAC or a Windows machine as my ASIO device does not provide drivers for ubuntu.
What are the ways that I can connect the ASIO device outputs to IceCast or FFMpeg?
I've tried the following.
Jack - LiquidSoap - IceCast
Problem is that LiquidSoap on windows does not work with Jack.
Virtual Audio Cable - Butt - IceCast
Virtual Audio Cable was very inefficient. More than 2 streams and it crashes.
Jack - DarkIce - IceCast
Jack doesn't work on Mac versions above Snow Leopard.
Can someone help me with which tools I should use and how I can do this? I'm a complete novice on this so please provide some details.
Edcast ASIO Standalone will work on Windows to allow streaming directly from your ASIO device or even JACK.
Note that Edcast hasn't been maintained in a long time, but it's still one of the best tools for streaming. Here's a mirror of all downloads: