I created user and gave him only one role.(Member) Currently this role doesn't have any permission with any Http verb nor path. This is my user:
organizations: [1]
0: {
website: ""
description: "AREAS"
roles: [1]
0: {
name: "Member"
id: "09dc1bdba42c48de9e15e88816284cbc"
enabled: true
id: "363ac390cfc94aa293e02547afa78256"
domain_id: "default"
name: "AREAS"
displayName: "root"
roles: [0]
app_id: "aea8f4a70b87422cb48068db9f0c6aea"
email: "root"
id: "root"
Now, when i try to do GET request on address: http://localhost/parameters/search_tables/ for which this user don't have permission, it allows me access and redirects me nonetheless. This is log from pep proxy:
2015-11-13 14:55:53.446 - INFO: IDM-Client - Checking token with IDM...
2015-11-13 14:55:53.484 - INFO: AZF-Client - Checking auth with AZF...
2015-11-13 14:55:53.484 - INFO: AZF-Client - Checking authorization
to roles [ '09dc1bdba42c48de9e15e88816284cbc' ] to do GET
on parameters/search_tables/ and app aea8f4a70b87422cb48068db9f0c6aea
2015-11-13 14:55:53.508 - INFO: Root - Access-token OK. Redirecting to app...
Refused to set unsafe header "accept-encoding"
Refused to set unsafe header "cookie"
My config file regarding authorization is:
config.azf = {
enabled: true,
host: '',
port: 8080,
path: '/authzforce/domains/afb096b2-8951-11e5-980f-6bf3c4dac98a/pdp'
config.public_paths = [];
config.tokens_engine = 'oauth2';
My Pap policy is:
<PolicySet PolicySetId="default" Version="1.0"
<Target />
<Policy PolicyId="permit-all" Version="1.0"
<Target />
<Rule RuleId="permit-all" Effect="Permit" />
How should i formulate my PAP policy to enable authorization level2, to use only http verb and resource path for authorization?
By default, Authzforce PAP permits all when no policy is added. Check if your PAP has the right information:
Edit 1:
In order to be able to connect with Authzforce, you need to configure some Authzforce parameters into your IdM instance:
at fiware-idm/horizon/openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.py
at fiware-idm/horizon/openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.py
Then, just go to IdM, and check that the permissions and roles are well configured. Sometimes, you have to 'trigger' the policy generation in IdM by going to your application -> manage roles and just click 'save' to trigger the XACML generation.