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PostgreSQL and columns to rows

I have a table (in PostgreSQL 9.3) with amount of people in cities grouped by their ages like this:

city | year | sex | age_0 | age_1 | age_2 | ... | age_115
city1| 2014 |   M | 12313 | 23414 | 52345 | ... |       0
city1| 2014 |   F | 34562 | 23456 | 53456 | ... |       6
city2| 2014 |   M |     3 |     2 |     2 | ... |      99

I'd like to break the columns down to rows, ending up with rows like this:

city | year | sex | age | amount | age_group
city1| 2014 |   M |   0 |  12313 | 0-6
city1| 2014 |   M |   1 |  23414 | 0-6
city1| 2014 |   M |   2 |  52345 | 0-6
city1| 2014 |   M | ... |    ... | ...
city1| 2014 |   M | 115 |      0 | 7-115

and so on. I know I could do it with several (a lot) queries and UNIONs but instead I was wondering if there was a more elegant (less cut'n paste involving) way of doing such a query?


  • use arrays and unnest

    select city, 
           unnest(array[age_0 , age_1 , age_2 , ..., age_115]) as amount,
           unnest(array[ 0 , 1 , 2 , ... ,  115]) as age 
    from mytable

    on large datasets this might be slow

    did a quick look, there are many similar questions already asked , one good one with a good guide to dynamically generate the query you need ... les pasting for you link

    generate query idiea

    SELECT 'SELECT city , year , sex ,  unnest(ARRAY[' || string_agg(quote_ident(attname) , ',') || ']) AS amount  from mytable' AS sql
    FROM   pg_attribute  
    WHERE  attrelid = 'mytable'::regclass  and attname ~ 'age_'
    AND    attnum > 0
    AND    NOT attisdropped
    GROUP  BY attrelid;