I have a uuid generator, like:
class NewUuid {
def apply: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString.replace("-", "")
And other class can use it:
class Dialog {
val newUuid = new NewUuid
def newButtons(): Seq[Button] = Seq(new Button(newUuid()), new Button(newUuid()))
Now I want to test the Dialog
and mock the newUuid
val dialog = new Dialog {
val newUuid = mock[NewUuid]
newUuid.apply returns "uuid1"
dialog.newButtons().map(_.text) === Seq("uuid1", "uuid1")
You can see the returned uuid is always uuid1
Is it possible to let newUuid
to return different values for different calls? e.g. The first call returns uuid1
, the second returns uuid2
, etc
newUuid.apply returns "uudi1" thenReturns "uuid2"