Please pardon me if this is a duplicate question. I am a junior level rails developer and have recently installed pgsearch on my app.
I have the pg_trgm contrib package installed (:trigram and :dmetaphone).
When I search for "how to interview" I receive results such as "discriminatory" with "to" highlighted, or "however" with "how" highlighted.
Here's my initializer:
PgSearch.multisearch_options = {
:using => {
:trigram => {
:threshold => 0.5
:dmetaphone => {
:any_word => true,
:sort_only => true
:tsearch => {
:prefix => true,
:any_word => true,
:dictionary => "english",
:normalization => 2
How does one modify their pg_search to search whole words?
*Forgot to mention, I am using multisearchable :against => [:title, :body] in my model.
Based on my reading from the github repo, you need to remove the line :prefix => true,
but in general, maybe remove all of the options that you don't understand and layer them on one by one and see how they affect the results.