Actually I have this data
Price $ 1,600,000 Land Size 16m x 27m
I want to get this
16m x 27m
I tried this
/Land Size(.\d+m.x.\d+m)/
I got the result as I want, but I wonder what is the result if m change to km and $ 1,600,000 change to $1600000 or 1600000$. Is there any easy way to solve this? I hope everyone will help me. Thank in advanced
You can use the question mark for characters that will not always be there. However, I would recommend the following regexes:
This will match sizes in meters and kilometers.
/Land Size (\d+k?m x \d+k?m)/
This will match a dolar sign followed by a combination of decimals and comma's.
/Price (\$ [\d,]+)/