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JSplumb scrollable container

I'm trying to make a JSPlumb application somewhat like the demo here, where the container element scrolls when you drag an item towards the edge of the screen. So far I have this example, where the elements are draggable, but they are constrained by the container around it, greatly limiting how many of those elements can be on the screen.

I initiate the draggables with this snippet. Perhaps there's a scrollable attribute here that works?

jsPlumb.draggable(newState, {
    containment: 'parent'

I cannot for the life of me find out the what exactly makes the other one scroll, I tried changing the css and adding some jqueryUI attributes to the draggable object, but to no avail.

Does anyone with more JSPlumb experience have an idea on how I can make the container expand?

TLDR: How to make my draggables scroll like this example


  • I finally got the answer, It was a CSS thing. I looked closely for the CSS at the demo and found these two classes.

    .jtk-surface {
        overflow: hidden !important;
        position: relative;
        cursor: move;
        cursor: -moz-grab;
        cursor: -webkit-grab;
    .jtk-surface-nopan {
        overflow: scroll !important;

    Once I added these classes to my container div and removed the "container" property from the draggable init, it worked!

    jsPlumb.draggable(newState, {

    Check out the working pastebin here!