Search code examples

If Today() matches Date (given as a number and string format), then import X

I am trying to get my head around this.

I have a table that (for some reason unknown to me) the owner writes the date in a String and Numeric format (Sunday 08/11/15). I can't edit this doc, but I need to extract names that correspond with dates from it.

I'm currently trying to use filter to grab a partial match:

=filter('sheet 1'!$A$3:$A$9,search($B$2,'sheet 1'!$A$3:$A$9))

This is ran in Column F, and pulls the contents from Sheet 1 into the current sheet (lets call it sheet 2) if Column B (which uses Today()) date matches. This part seems to be working perfectly fine.

What I then need to do, is match the contents of column F against the names in Sheet 1 that correspond with that date.

Sheet 1 looks like:

| Date             | Team IOH | Team OOH | Team 1 IOH | Team 2 OOH |
|Monday    02/11/15| Dave     | CTeam    | BTeam      | BTeam 2    |
|Tuesday   03/11/15| Dave     | CTeam    | BTeam 2    | BTeam      |
|Wednesday 04/11/15| CTeam    | CTeam    | BTeam      | BTeam 2    |

So, the date pulled from Sheet 1 as Wednesday 04/11/15 needs to pull those corresponding teams.

Sheet 2 looks like:

|  Team  |   Date   |   IOH   |  OOH    | BUTeam | F (Hidden colum) |
| Team   | =TODAY() |  Dave   | CTeam   | CTeam  |Monday    02/11/15|
| Team 1 | =TODAY() | BTeam   | BTeam 2 | CTeam  |Monday    02/11/15|
| Team 2 | =TODAY() | BTeam 2 | BTeam   | CTeam  |Monday    02/11/15|

So if =TODAY() was Monday (for example) it would pull the names from Sheet 1 Team IOH, and palce that in the IOH column of sheet 1. And the same for the following.

Sorry, probably could have explained this better but my brain is frazzled.


  • See my previous question with some tinkering around, I managed to get the transpose working . Rather than close this, I will answer it and leave it in case anyone has a question around how to find Partial Matches (As I don't see it very often)