If I use OAuth, I am unable to get new submissions or comments from a subreddit.
My Oauth code looks like this:
import praw
import webbrowser
r = praw.Reddit(user_agent)
authURL = r.get_authorize_url("FUZZYPICKLES", "identity submit", True)
authCode = input("Enter the code: ")
accInfo = r.get_access_information(authCode)
After that I can try to get submissions
submission = r.get_subreddit("test").get_new()
or comments
comments = r.get_comments("test")
but if I use either value, the program crashes with the error:
raise OAuthInsufficientScope('insufficient_scope', response.url)
praw.errors.OAuthInsufficientScope: insufficient_scope on url https://oauth.reddit.com/r/test/comments/.json
If I don't use OAuth, either by using login()
or by just not authorizing, I have no such issues. I am using Python 3.4. What am I doing wrong?
I found the solution myself. To read posts, you need "read" in your list of requested scopes. So, "identity submit"
should be "identity read submit"