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Parsing a CSV using python's toolz package

I recently came across the toolz repository and decided to give it a spin.

Unfortunately, I’m having some trouble properly using it, or at least understanding it.

My first simple task for myself was to parse a tab separated TSV file and get the second column entry in it.

For example, given the file foo.tsv:

a    b    c
d    e    f

I’d like to return a list of ['b', 'e']. I successfully achieved that with the following piece of logic

from toolz.curried import *

with open("foo.tsv", 'r') as f:
    data = pipe(f, map(str.rstrip),

However, if I change the foo.tsv file to use commas instead of tabs as the column delimiters I cannot seem to figure out the best way to adjust the above code to handle that. It’s not clear to me how to add best a "," argument to the str.split function while using the map with either the pipe or thread_first functions.

Is there already some existing documentation that already describes this?


  • lambdas

    Don't be afraid of using lambdas.

    map(lambda s: s.split(','))

    It's maybe a bit less pretty than map(str.split) but it gets the point across

    Use pluck

    Consider using pluck(...) rather than map(get(...))

    map(get(1)) -> pluck(1)

    Use Pandas

    If you have a CSV file you might consider just using Pandas, which is very fast and highly optimized for this kind of work.