In my project I'm trying to use a smart card for the purpose of creating digital signature for a specific data.
I'm working with the smart card reader ACR38U-I1 and Linux OS (more precisely with the Raspbian OS)
I already installed all the needed drivers for this device and additional libraries such as pcsc, pcsc-lite ...
Also I got private/public gpg keypair for making the digital signature. As I understand the concept of making digital signature using smart card I have to write the private key to this card and read it when I need to create a signature.
And in this situation I faced with a problem that I don't know how to do this.
I opened pcsc-lite documentation [1] and couldn't find a write methods or examples how to write data to card [1]
I'll be grateful if somebody could direct me on the right way.
(Wanted to write a comment, but it got quite long...)
(EDIT: While writing this I did not realize that you are working in a non-x86 environment, so this answer is probably useless unless you have a choice to go for x86 (intel edison maybe?))
This is not a solution, but might be a good direction (I have no experience with this particular card):
There is a PKCS#11 driver for the card which probably provides some access to its services (pkcs11 is a standardized API to access cryptographic tokens, see here).
With this driver (assuming it works and provides appropriate mechanisms) you have some choices to continue:
use it directly from c
code (works for me)
use a python wrapper (have no experience with this way, but your question implies python is desired)
use openssl (see e.g. here or here -- this worked for me some time ago)
use it with gpg (never tried and would not recommend at all)
It might be a good idea to verify first that the pkcs11 driver is working (you can do that using firefox browser, see e.g. here).
Additional notes:
I recommend to initialize the card and generate the keys with vendor provided utilities and use the pkcs11 driver only to actually sign some data (this way avoids many troublesome parts).
Do google for pkcs11 and related stuff, this "extended comment" is just an another "point of view"
Good luck!