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Making ontology public (in owl api) to use in other functions of the same or different classes

I have two questions:

  1. How can I make my ontology public (which is created in Protege) that I am reading in OWL API to use in other functions of the same or different classes. I only want to make my code smarter so that I dont have to declare the ontologies again and again in every function or class. I am also attaching an image to further specify my questionenter image description here

  2. I want to reason (or query) in between number of ontologies. I am able to query with the reasoners (DL and HermiT) but I am confused which one to use?


  • In order to make a local variable public and visible from multiple methods, you just declare it as a public member variable. This is achieved simply changing the access modifier to public.

    DL is not a reasoner implementation, as far as I know.

    HermiT implements a DL reasoner and it also supports SWRL rules. It can be used through a Protege plugin, or through code by using it as an OWLReasoner.


    OWLOntology o = ...
    OWLReasoner hermit= new Reasoner.ReasonerFactory().createBufferedReasoner(o);
    The `hermit` object is ready to be queried now.