I use MODx Evolution and I included into my htaccess file the following:
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
<FilesMatch "\.jpg$">
Header append Content-Disposition "attachment;"
<FilesMatch "\.jpeg$">
Header append Content-Disposition "attachment;"
<FilesMatch "\.png$">
Header append Content-Disposition "attachment;"
I have a download button for each image that can be downloaded, like this:
<div class="box download-box">
<a class="button" href="[*template-variable-image*]">Download</a>
The above code works perfectly.
Now I've added another button for users to see the image in full scale in a separate browser tab with this code:
<h2 class="thumb-caption"><span data-href="[*template-variable-image*]" target="_blank">PREVIEW</span></h2>
Now when the user clicks "PREVIEW" the content disposition attachment box appears for download. How can I get the "PREVIEW" to show the preview of the image the way I planned and NOT the content download box???
This is more a HTML than a MODX question. A lot of modern browsers know the download attribute in the a tag.
So throw away the .htaccess additions and use
<a class="button" href="[*template-variable-image*]" download>Download</a>
You could also use javascript for this and catch all browsers. John Culviner has written a nice jQuery plugin jquery-file-download for this.