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Spring JPA derived delete query

I am using Spring Data rest with Spring JPA. I have one Spring JPA derived delete query that should deletes the list of items but when I am executing it and noticing the console I found that it is executing select query instead that's very strange situation I have ever come across.

@RepositoryRestResource(collectionResourceRel="revision", path="revision")
interface RevisionRepository extends JpaRepository<Revision, Long> {

     List<Revision> deleteByContentId(long contentId)

I have even tried using Long instead of List<Revision> doesn't work and also have tried removeByContentId it is also doesn't work either and keeps executing the select query instead delete query.

when I am running this method this is what I got on my console

Hibernate: select as id1_2_, revision0_.body as body2_2_, revision0_.content_id as content_3_2_, revision0_.content_type as content_4_2_, revision0_.date_created as date_cre5_2_, revision0_.file_name as file_nam6_2_, revision0_.folder_id as folder_i7_2_, revision0_.force_ssl as force_ss8_2_, revision0_.is_active as is_activ9_2_, revision0_.lookup as lookup10_2_, revision0_.meta_description as meta_de11_2_, revision0_.meta_keywords as meta_ke12_2_, revision0_.meta_title as meta_ti13_2_, revision0_.nav_item as nav_ite14_2_, revision0_.nav_order as nav_ord15_2_, revision0_.regions_objects as regions16_2_, revision0_.summary as summary17_2_, revision0_.title as title18_2_, revision0_.updated_by as updated19_2_, revision0_.user_id as user_id20_2_ from revisions revision0_ where revision0_.content_id=?

does anyone having any idea why it is behaving strangely?


  • You need to add @Modifying annotation to your delete method. You will also need to make sure it is executed within a transaction, so you might need to add @Transactional annotation too, if you invoke this method not in a transaction.

    Please see an example:

    int deleteByFieldName( Long fieldValue );