I am wanting to extract out the package name of my apk for a script.
I can list the package name with something like this
./aapt dump badging <apk.path> | grep package
The output looks like this
package: name='com.example.app' versionCode='' versionName='4.6.10' platformBuildVersionName='6.0-2166767'
so I want to run the aapt command and it only return com.example.app
I figured it would be something like, but still returns everything.
./aapt dump badging <apk.path> | egrep package:\ name='(.*?)'
Got it working by doing multiple greps and some regex. Below worked from me. Not sure if its the best way, but works.
$ aapt dump badging <path.to.apk> | grep package | grep -Eo '[a-z]+\.\w+\.\w+'
$ com.example.app