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Mongoose schema field names and types with subdocs

I'm building an object of field names and their types from my schema:

var ret = {};
ThisCollection.schema.eachPath(function(path) {
  ret[path] = ThisCollection.schema.path(path).instance;

Which is great unless there's a nested array in the schema. I can't seem to figure out how to access the subdocument and its fields' types. I've tried:


within a recursive function building out the dot notation name of a deeper path. This does not appear to work.

Example schema:

 var Person = new Schema({
    person_code: String, 
    person_name: String, 
        location_name: String,
        location_code: String

To be clear, I'm looking for my return object to match my schema in structure as well, so that nested schemas are nested objects in my return object, something like:

    person_code: String,
    person_name: String,
        location_name: String,
        location_code: String


  • The simplest solution may be to simply save off the schema definition object you're using to create your schema:

    var personSchemaDef = {
        person_code: String,
        person_name: String,
        location_details: [{
            location_name: String,
            location_code: String
    var personSchema = new Schema(personSchemaDef);
    var Person = mongoose.model('person', personSchema, 'people');

    But you can also get the hierarchical details of the schema from the tree property of the schema:



    { person_code: [Function: String],
      person_name: [Function: String],
       [ { location_code: [Function: String],
           location_name: [Function: String] } ],
       { type: { [Function: ObjectId] schemaName: 'ObjectId' },
         auto: true },
       VirtualType {
         path: 'id',
         getters: [ [Function: idGetter] ],
         setters: [],
         options: {} },
      __v: [Function: Number] }