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What software would you recommend for an Intranet Portal/Forum?

In search of software to implement a Portal for my area (OS Image Deployment) were I can publish Image Releases, Documentation and an area to offer support (forum). The plan it eliminate all email/phone interaction and point all of my users to the portal site. Active Directory Authentication would be a plus but not necessary.

I tried Drupal with the Forum plug-in, but I think I need a more on the Forum side.

I'm currently looking at:

  • Wordpress + bbPress
  • myBB which includes a portal
  • Wrodpress + phpBB

I'm also considering DocuWiki for the documentation (and possibly for announcements on the front-page)

What software would you recommend and do you think Wordpress pages would be enough for creating documentation?

BTW, this project is pretty much me trying to improve my workflow and interaction with my internal users which means I have a budget of $0


  • If you want an enterprise class portal, I'd recommend Liferay.

    Liferay Portal is an enterprise web platform for building business solutions that deliver immediate results and long-term value. Get the benefits of packaged applications and an enterprise application framework in a single solution.