I am focusing on example https://github.com/sghall/d3-chord-diagrams/blob/master/trade-p.html and it is using data in csv format which is here https://github.com/sghall/d3-chord-diagrams/blob/master/data/trade.csv what i want is to draw chord from same data but when importer1===Panama only. Can anyone help me i am new to d3 and did not know how to extract specifc data from csv file as i am trying if(importer1===Panama) {draw chords....
but its not working. thanks in advance
Simple use filters as shown below this will filter record for Panama
d3.csv('trade.csv', function (error, data) {
var data = data.filter(function(d){ return d.importer1 == "Panama"});
var mpr = chordMpr(data);
Working code here
Hope this helps!