I try to implement a tcpip connection between a Prolog server application and a Java client application. It works but I have the problem that I do not receive the German Umlaute (ä,ü, etc.) correctly. That is what I did:
in Java, the client side:
inputreader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(clientSocket.getInputStream(),"UTF-8" ));
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String responseLine;
while ((responseLine = inputreader.readLine()) != null) {
// System.out.println("Server: " + responseLine);
// Character.toString ((char) i);
if( responseLine.indexOf( ".") != -1 && responseLine.length() == 1 ){
in SWI Prolog, the server side:
:- set_prolog_flag(encoding,utf8).
% based on http://swi-prolog.996271.n3.nabble.com/socket-communication-td1653.html
server(PortNumber) :-
setup_call_cleanup(tcp_socket(S), % no leaks, please
(true; fail),
tcp_bind(S, PortNumber),
tcp_listen(S, 5),
format('listen to portnumber ~w~n', [PortNumber]),
server_loop(S) :-
tcp_accept(S, S1, From),
format('receiving traffic from: ~q~n', [From]),
setup_call_cleanup(tcp_open_socket(S1, In, Out),
server_operation(In, Out),
( writeln('closing...'),
close(Out))), !,
server_operation(In, Out) :-
read_pending_input(In, Codes, []),
write('received from client: '),write(Text),nl,
% job which has to be done in Prolog
extract_fct_call( Text, Fname, ListOfIname, ListOfIcontent ),
call_fct( Fname, ListOfIname, ListOfIcontent, XMLreply ),
atom_codes( XMLreply, CodeReply ),
% append defined EOM as \n.\n
append( CodeReply, [10,46,10], CodeMessage ),
format(Out, '~s', [Message]),
server_operation(In, Out).
server_operation(_In, _Out).
So, I thought defining both side UTF-8 encoding would do it, but it doesn't. I start on SWI Prolog side with "Gemüse" and receive on Java side "Gemxse". I tried to send ASCII Code by using
atom_codes( Message, CodeMessage ),
format(Out, '~s', [CodeMessage]),
and on Java side
inputreader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(clientSocket.getInputStream(),"US-ASCII" ));
inputreader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(clientSocket.getInputStream(),"ASCII" ));
but the result does not change. What can I do?
Many thanks in advance!
With the help of CapelliC it was solved by adding
set_stream(Stream, encoding(utf8))
server_operation(In, Out) :-
set_stream(In, encoding(utf8)),
set_stream(Out, encoding(utf8)),
then the Umlaute are received in the Java application (be sure that there, in the properties of the project, the encoding of text is also set to UTF-8).
stream_property(Stream, encoding(Encoding)) will allow you to inspect and change the encoding on Prolog side. But once you have verified that Prolog actually defaults to UTF-8, and you're happy with that, maybe you should adjust the Java interface, maybe specifying the encoding on every IO operation
byte[] utf8Bytes = s.getBytes("UTF-8");