I have been creating a web project where I am using forms authentication using cookies to validate if the user is authentication.
Everything works fine, but when I host this on shared hosting, then the session expired after 5 minutes of inactivity. I have set the timeout in the config to 60 minutes.
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms name=".auth" protection="All" timeout="60"/>
While Login, I have created a API called login where I am setting the authentication.
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(".auth", false);
And I check if the user is authenticated in the web API and my API looks like.
public class ValueController : ApiController
// GET api/value
public IEnumerable<string> Get()
return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };
I do know that this is a very old/bad approach to validate through cookie but this is my legacy application and I can't change the authentication structure and use Owin.
Can anybody suggest why does it expires after 5 minutes of inactivity on shared hosting ? It does works properly on my local IIS and doesn't expires till 60 minutes.
Help is appriciated.
The reason is the hosting provider clears the session and the solution is to add the machineKey in web.config.
<machineKey decryption="AES" decryptionKey="ddE3434J4K3J3KLNDFPSODIFSFLKJW34L3OIUF" validation="HMACSHA256" validationKey="07dfdDUIEJSLDJFKLSJFEIOUR3989F8SDF90DF9D0F9DF9SD0F90SDF09SD0F9DF" />
(Please note this is a sample key. You have to generate a key and add to your config)