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Drop Incoming 'packets' for Datagram Socket

this is question is really focused on my problem and not relative to any of the other question I could find on this topic.

PSA: When I say "packet" I mean a full string received in a single socket.recv(maxsize)

I developed similar code for the same result on Java (my pref language) and it is ok, now I have to do in python.

I have two processes that run in parallel: 1-Normal client socket connected to a specific IP 2-A "client" Datagram socket binded to "ALL" IPs.

The normal socket is working correctly as I expect, while the datagram not.

I continuosly receive packets from a server (not mine and not opensource) at a rate of more than 5 per second, but I want to process only one of them every 3 seconds. In java I did just a "sleep" and it was ok, I was getting only the last live packet, while in Python with a "time.sleep(3)" the packets are queued (I don't know how and where) and not dropped.

I HAVE to drop them because those are not need and I have to do an HTTP call between one and the other so I can't fire an HTTP post for every set of data received at that rate!

here it is my "code" for the listening socket, some comments are for private code:

def listenPositions():
    lsSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    lsSocket.bind(("", 8787))
        while True:
            ready =[lsSocket], [], [], 1)
            if ready[0]:
                recvData = lsSocket.recv(16384)
                if len(recvData) != 0:
                    recv = recvData[0:len(recvData)].decode("utf-8")
                    #print("LS: Received: " + recv)
                    strings = filter(None, str(recv).split('\n'))
                    print("Strings count=" + str(len(strings))+ ": " + str(strings))
                    for item in strings:
                       #parse the received strings as json and get the items
                        jsonPosition = json.loads(item)
                        strId = jsonPosition["id"]
                        coordinates = jsonPosition.get("coordinates")
                        if coordinates is None:
                        print("coordinates not null:" + str(coordinates))

                    time.sleep(3) #Pause the system for X seconds, but other packets are queued!
                    print("LS: Received empty")
                print("LS: No data, timeout")
    except Exception as e:
        #handle exceptions...
        print("Exception, close everything")


  • When you have an open socket, all correctly addressed packets should be delivered to the application. We want to have our network connections as realiable as possible, don't we? Dropping a packet is an action of last resort.

    If you want to get a packet only from time to time, you could create a listening socket, get a packet and close the socket.

    However there is nothing easier than ignoring a packet. Just skip its processing and move on. The code below is incomplete, but hopefully expresses what I mean.

    TIMEOUT = 1.0
    INT = 3.0        # interval in seconds
    # create udp_socket
    last = time.time() - INT
    while True:
            packet = udp_socket.recv(MAXSIZE)
        except socket.timeout:
            # handle recv timeout
            continue    # or break, or return
        except OSError:
            # handle recv error (Python 3.3+)
            break       # or continue, or return
        now = time.time()
        if now - last >= INT:
            # process the packet
            last = now

    Please note that the select is not needed if you read only from one source.