I'm writing a small plotting utility for MIT-Scheme. Source: [plotlib].
At the top level is the (make-plot output mode args)
function that takes in an output device object, the plotting mode, and a list containing the parameters for the kind of plot specified in the mode.
I will use the function (range start stop increment)
to generate lists from inclusive start to exclusive stop for each increment. (range -1 1 .1)
creates the list (-1 -.9 -.8 ... .9)
works for its other modes, but does not work when called with 'vector-field-plot
(define window (make-graphics-device 'win32))
(define (vector-field-plot device color xrange yrange func)
(let* ((cords (append-all (map (lambda (i)
(map (lambda (j)
(cond ((eq? j '()) '())
(else (cons i j))))
(input (map (lambda (point)
(list (car point) (cdr point)
(car (func (car point) (cdr point)))
(cdr (func (car point) (cdr point)))))
(draw-vector-list device color input)))
;This is the part of make-plot that is called for
;(make-plot window 'vector-field-plot '(args))
((eq? mode 'vector-field-plot)
;does not work yet
(let* ((bg-color (car args))
(grid-color (cadr args))
(line-color (caddr args))
(xrange (car (cadddr args)))
(yrange (cadr (cadddr args)))
(func (cddr (cadddr args))))
(clear output bg-color);sets background to white
(coord-grid-cart output grid-color);prints Cartesian coordinate grid
(vector-field-plot output line-color xrange yrange func)))))
;calls vector-field-plot with parameters given to make-plot
;I have left out some function definitions here, they are in the source file
;but you can assume all of those work correctly for this section
One mode of make-plot
prints vector fields, It calls the function (vector-field-plot output line-color xrange yrange func)
With xrange and yrange being lists of numbers like '(-1 -.9 ... 1)
and a func of the form (lambda (x y) (cons x y))
. If I use:
(make-plot window 'vector-field-plot (list "white" "black" "red"
(list (range -1 1 .1) (range -1 1 .1)
(lambda (x y) (cons (* -.1 y) (* -.1 x))))))
It returns The object (#[compound procedure ]) is not applicable.
But if I use:
(vector-field-plot window "red" (range -1 1 .1) (range -1 1 .1)
(lambda (x y) (cons (* -.1 y) (* .1 x))))
It displays the correct plot (a circular vector field) in the graphics window.
The error is because the expression to get the function outside the list of arguments returns a list containing the function, not the function itself.
You should change:
(func (cddr (cadddr args))))
(func (caddr (cadddr args))))