This question is regarding the ASP.NET webservice that i am creating using the DAL-BLL architecture for my final school project.
I have a stored procedure, which is a select query with an inner join for 2 tables. Hence the stored procedure returns multi-table value. One of my DAL tableAdapter methods accesses this stored procedure. How do i retrieve the return value in the BLL? Do i have to create a class structure similar to the one supposed to be returned by the stored proc? or is there a direct way to achieve the same? Help greatly appreciated. Please let me know if someone needs code applet to get a better understanding. Thanks
Here is some more information: I am using the SQL dataset (.xsd) in DAL. So i have a datatable called "Insurance", which has a tableAdapter. One of the queries in the adapter references to a stored procedure, which has an inner join. So my SP looks like:
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.GetInsurancesPaged
@startRowIndex int,
@maximumRows int,
@patientID int
select * from
SELECT Insurance.insuranceID, Insurance.memberID, Insurance.groupID, Insurance.accountType, Insurance.comments, Insurance.patient,, InsuranceCompany.companyID, InsuranceCompany.companyName, InsuranceCompany.address,, InsuranceCompany.fax, ROW_NUMBER() over (order by Insurance.dateModified DESC) as ROWRANK
FROM Insurance INNER JOIN InsuranceCompany ON = InsuranceCompany.companyID
WHERE Insurance.patient = @patientID
AS DataWithRowNumbers
WHERE ROWRANK > @startRowIndex AND ROWRANK <= (@startRowIndex + @maximumRows)
So this SP returns a datatable which will be a combination of the 2 tables in the inner join. Please correct me if i am wrong.
Now in my BLL, i have:
[System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodAttribute(System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType.Select, true)]
public mySys.InsuranceDataTable GetInsurancesPaged(int startRowIndex, int maximumRows, int patientID)
return insAdapter.GetInsurancesPaged(startRowIndex, maximumRows, patientID);
where insAdapter is an instance of insuranceTableAdapter
This gives an error on execution. I can execute the SP successfully, so i think the problem is only bcz i am trying to return a wrong datatable from the BLL. Please help me solve this.
Found a solution :) Finally got it working.
I created a new table adapter using the Dataset designer, and called the SP as one of the queries there. The datatable thus created, has all the fields (from Insurance and InsuranceCompany) included. Now, ASP.NET can detect that the return type is the newly created datatable. Works like a charm.
If there is a better way to solve this, please comment.
Thank you all for your time.