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Windows Server 2008 : Speech Runtime - What am I missing?

I am trying to get Speech Recognition to work on Windows Server 2008 using system.speech.

  1. I built a console application which uses System.Speech.Recognition (SAPI 5.4) on Vista. Works great on this machine.

  2. Tried to install/execute it on a Windows Server 2008 x86 machine. It has .NET 3.5. No luck... Threw errors--Upon investigation, discovered that 2008 doesn't have any recognizers installed by default.

  3. Installed the new Speech Platform Server Runtime, English language file, and Speech SDK. These were all released about a month ago. As I understand it, the runtime contains a recognizer compatible with WinServer 2008.

  4. Tried to run my application again, and there are still no recognizers found.

I can see that there is a recognizer dll installed at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\Speech\SR\v10.1\spsreng.dll

What am I doing wrong? :)


  • You need to use Microsoft.Speech.Recognition in order to use Speech Platform Server; System.Speech.Recognition requires the Desktop recognition engine, which isn't available on Windows Server.

    The Server and Desktop recognition engines are completely separate.