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DenseMatrix from DenseVector duplications

There is apply method in DenseMatrix object that allows to construct DenseMatrix from rows (breeze 0.11.2). Like an example below:

val dv:DenseVector[Double]
   (for(i <- 0 until dv.activeSize)yield dv) :_ *)

the trouble, that such code needs additional implicit

implicit val rl = new LiteralRow[DenseVector[Double], Double] {
override def foreach[X](row: DenseVector[Double], fn: (Int, Double) => X): Unit = {
  for(i<- 0 until row.iterableSize) {
    fn(i, row(i))

override def length(row: DenseVector[Double]): Int = row.iterableSize

Any simplier/more correct ways?


  • it's an oversight. please open a ticket.

    If you have columns, you can use DenseVector.horzcat(columns:_*)