I have 2 arrays
array:23 [▼
"cpe_mac" => "298639133839"
"bandwidth_max_up" => 30000
"bandwidth_max_down" => 50000
"filter_icmp_inbound" => true
"dmz_enabled" => false
"dmz_host" => "http:\/\/ddd.com"
"vlan_id" => 2
"dns" => array:2 [▶]
"xdns_mode" => 0
"cfprofileid" => 11111
"stub_response" => "0"
"acl_mode" => 1
"portal_url" => "http:\/\/portal.com"
"fullbandwidth_max_up" => 1000000
"fullbandwidth_max_down" => 2000000
"fullbandwidth_guaranty_up" => 300000
"fullbandwidth_guaranty_down" => 400000
"account_id" => 1000
"location_id" => 3333
"network_count" => 3
"group_name" => "test_group"
"vse_id" => 20
"firewall_enabled" => false
array:23 [▼
"cpe_mac" => "a0a1a2a3a4a5"
"bandwidth_max_up" => 300000
"bandwidth_max_down" => 500000
"filter_icmp_inbound" => true
"dmz_enabled" => false
"dmz_host" => "http] = \/\/ddd.com"
"vlan_id" => 2
"dns" => array:2 [▶]
"xdns_mode" => 0
"cfprofileid" => 11111
"stub_response" => ""
"acl_mode" => 1
"portal_url" => "http] = \/\/portal.com"
"fullbandwidth_max_up" => 1000000
"fullbandwidth_max_down" => 2000000
"fullbandwidth_guaranty_up" => 300000
"fullbandwidth_guaranty_down" => 400000
"account_id" => 1234
"location_id" => 3333
"network_count" => 3
"group_name" => "test_group"
"vse_id" => 20
"firewall_enabled" => false
I look through them countless time with my eyes, they look the same to me except their value. Then, I compare them programmatically,
$equal = ($cpe == $sample );
dd($equal); // false
I think, it return false
because their values is different. Am I right ?
How do I check if those array have the same
If different, how can I find out what is it exactly that make them different?
I'm not sure how you believe that these arrays can be equal. They're clearly not.
For example $sample["cpe_mac"] == "a0a1a2a3a4a5"
and $cpe["cpe_mac"] == "298639133839"
. Also $sample["bandwidth_max_up"] == 300000
and $cpe["bandwidth_max_up"] == 30000
. Just by looking at the array you can immediately tell they aren't equal so there's no logical reason to believe that $cpe == $sample
should ever be true
Also array_diff
compares values as strings. What you have is a multi-dimensional array. So it is not possible to compute the differences of non-scalar elements in the array with array_diff
This function only checks one dimension of a n-dimensional array. Of course you can check deeper dimensions by using
array_diff($array1[0], $array2[0]);
Also a second note the manual elaborates...
Two elements are considered equal if and only
if (string) $elem1 === (string) $elem2
. In words: when the string representation is the same.
To compute the the non equal elements between the two arrays you may need to iterate over them and compare one element at a time.
$diff = [];
foreach($cpe as $key => $value) {
if (array_key_exists($key, $sample) && $sample[$key] !== $value) {
$diff[$key] = $sample[$key];
You could also write this as a recursive function to compute differences within n-dimensional arrays...
function array_diff_recursive(Array $a, Array $b, Array $diff = [])
foreach($a as $k => $v) {
if (!array_key_exists($k, $b)) {
$diff[$k] = $v;
if (is_array($v)) {
$diff += array_diff_recursive($v, $b[$k], $diff);
} else {
if ($v !== $b[$k]) { // you could change this to == for loose comparison
$diff[$k] = $v;
return $diff;