I am executing my rules on the Business Rules service on Bluemix, and want to know which Java runtime version is used. How do I find this information?
This information is available if I enable tracing for the payload, for example by invoking it using https://brsv2-instanceID.domain/DecisionService/run.jsp?path=/ruleApp/1.0/ruleset/1.0&trace=true
(for example: https://brsv2-12345678.ng.bluemix.net/DecisionService/run.jsp?path=/myRuleApp/1.0/myRules/1.0&trace=true)
I made sure that infoSystemProperties was set to true for JSON.
The trace after execution of the request contains a "systemProperties" element/entry, which includes the Java information.
The answer How can I trace rules in the Business Rules service on Bluemix? has more information on tracing.