I am transitioning my SPA from ng-route to ui.router. This should be a quick one for someone...
For some of my states, I have $rootScope.nextState
and $rootscope.prevState
attributes defined (statename strings), so that I can have Previous and Next buttons / links on my navbar.
I can't seem to get the link correct. I have tried:
<button ui-sref="{{prevState}}">Previous</button>
<button ui-sref={{prevState}}>Previous</button>
<button ui-sref="{prevState}">Previous</button>
<button ui-sref="prevState">Previous</button>
<button ng-href="{{$state.href(prevState)}}">Previous</button>
<button ng-click="$state.go(prevState)">Previous</button>
All of the above with <a>
All throw an "Invalid state ref" error or don't change the state. How can you use a dynamic attribute for statename
in ui-router?
I have read and understood the docs to the best of my ability. Similar questions that haven't helped: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23476296/dynamically-constructed-ui-sref-attribute-in-ui-router and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24349731/dynamically-set-the-value-of-ui-sref-angularjs
Here's a Plunker recreating the problem. It uses resolve in a method similar to angular-ui-router-title. It might be the timing of things that's the issue...
For future readers, I went with @JB Nizet's suggestion.
<button ng-click="goPrevious()" ng-disabled="!previousState">Previous</button>
<button ng-click="goNext()" ng-disabled="!nextState">Next</button>
app.run( function($rootScope, $state) {
$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function () {
var previous = $state.$current.locals.globals.$prevState;
var next = $state.$current.locals.globals.$nextState;
$rootScope.previousState = previous;
$rootScope.nextState = next;
if (typeof previous !== 'undefined') {
$rootScope.goPrevious = function() { $state.go(previous); };
} else {
$rootScope.goPrevious = function() { console.log ("No previous state found"); };
if (typeof next !== 'undefined') {
$rootScope.goNext = function() { $state.go(next); };
} else {
$rootScope.goNext = function() { console.log ("No next state found"); };