Below is logistic regression cost function with features(x) , training examples(y)
How should the hypotheses function (circled red) be represented ? :
I'm attempting to implement this function but unsure what value (or function) the hypothesis should take ?
The activation function in logistic regression is the sigmoid function (, defined as
which is also probability of y taking on a 1 value for a given x and parameter theta's to be determined (sigmoid is always between 0 and 1)
The cost function you mentioned comes from maximum likelihood estimation ( of training (X, y) pairs. The log-likelihood of any (X, y) pair is exactly
The final loss function is precisely the sum of all log-likelihood for all (X, y)
training pairs.
Thus, the ''hypothesis" you are talking about is simply sigmoid, 1/(1+exp(-theta * x))
(actually I am not familiar with the term hypothesis used in this context, but the expression resembles any standard expression involving sigmoid and MLE)