Is there a way to remove the text that comes before the currency symbol from a string output using NSNumberFormatter?
NSNumberFormatter *formatter = [NSNumberFormatter new];
formatter.numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle;
formatter.currencyCode = @"HKD";
NSLog(@"%@", [formatter stringFromNumber:@1000]);
Output: HK$1,000.00
I'd like to know if there is a way to remove the HK before the $ without parsing the string and removing the text. Perhaps a property to set on NSNumberFormatter?
One way to avoid the extra characters is to set the formatter's local to match the chosen currency code. If you want to show HKD
values as just $
to a user not in Hong Kong, you need to also set the formatter's locale to a Hong Kong locale.
NSNumberFormatter *formatter = [NSNumberFormatter new];
formatter.numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle;
formatter.currencyCode = @"HKD";
formatter.locale = [NSLocale localeWithLocaleIdentifier:@"zh_HK"];
NSLog(@"%@", [formatter stringFromNumber:@1000]);
This should show just $1,000.00