I am reading a p12
file and obtaining a SecIdentityRef
and then add this Identity to keychain as follows
let certData: NSData = NSFileManager.defaultManager().contentsAtPath(filePath)!
let passDictionary: NSMutableDictionary = NSMutableDictionary()
passDictionary.setValue("pass", forKey: kSecImportExportPassphrase as String)
print(kSecImportExportPassphrase as String)
var items: CFArray?
let error = SecPKCS12Import(certData, passDictionary, &items)
let unwrappedItems:CFArray = items!
if error == noErr && CFArrayGetCount(items) > 0 {
let certChain = unwrappedItems as [AnyObject] as NSArray
let certificateDict = certChain.objectAtIndex(0)
var privateKeyRef : SecKeyRef? = nil
var certificateRef: SecCertificate? = nil
let secIdentity:SecIdentityRef = certificateDict.valueForKey(kSecImportItemIdentity as String) as! SecIdentityRef
let subject:NSString=SecCertificateCopySubjectSummary(certificateRef!)
let keyChainQuery:NSMutableDictionary = NSMutableDictionary(
objects: [String(kSecClassIdentity),subject,kCFBooleanTrue,String(kSecAttrAccessibleAlwaysThisDeviceOnly),secIdentity],
forKeys: [String(kSecClass),String(kSecAttrLabel), String(kSecAttrCanSign),String(kSecAttrAccessible),String(kSecValueRef)])
let status:OSStatus = SecItemAdd(keyChainQuery as CFDictionaryRef, nil)
This seems to work fine and returns 0 as status code, but when I try to read this item from the keychain:
var identity: AnyObject?
let searchQuery: NSMutableDictionary = NSMutableDictionary(objects: [String(kSecClassIdentity), kCFBooleanTrue], forKeys: [String(kSecClass),String(kSecReturnRef)])
let status:OSStatus = SecItemCopyMatching(searchQuery as CFDictionaryRef, &identity)
I receive a -25300 error code (not found item) and nil
in identity, I am using iOS 9.1
as base SDK, what am I doing wrong?
UPDATE: Tested in 8.1,8.4 and 9.1 simulators and in 9.1 real device, code is working. It's failing with an iPhone with version 8.4.1, anybody have an idea of what's happening?
Finally reinstalling the app and cleaning keychain with SecItemDelete solved the problem.
Hope this helps!!