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NetBeans does not analye php code behind the second symlink

I'm using NetBeans 8.1 RC2 for a php project.

I have this project stored in ~/ide/netbeans/workspace/myproject/. This directory contains the nbproject directory and a symlink to the sourcecode in /var/www/myproject. In this project, there is also a symlink ./source/vendor/tueena, that targets to /var/www/tueena.

So the file structure is like this:

ls -la ~/ide/netbeans/workspace/myproject
... .
... ..
... nbproject
... myproject -> /var/www/myproject

ls -la /var/www/myproject/source/vendor
... .
... ..
... autoload.php
... composer
... tueena -> ../../tueena

When I put the following file into ~/ide/netbeans/workspace/myproject, or /var/www/myproject/somewherehere, then NetBeans tells me, that IFoo doesn't implement Foo:


interface IFoo
    public function xyz();

class Foo implements IFoo


But when I move the file into /var/www/tueena/core/source/ for example, then it tells me only two PSR-1 violations, but not, that there is missing a method implementation, that is defined in the interface. Does NetBeans only follow one symlink?


  • I could solve it. Not the symlink has been the problem, but that the library had a nbproject directory, too. After deleting it, the problem has still not been solved. I had to remove a line from the within the nbprojectfolder of my project. I don't remember the name of the property, but you'll find it, if you'll have the same problem.