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url_for for class-based views in Flask-Admin

I have a class-based Admin view:

class All_RDPs(BaseView):
    def index(self):
        return 'ok1'
    def testindex(self):
        return 'ok2'

which is registered with Flask-Admin like so:


and then is viewable from the browser like so:


the question is:

  1. how do I specify the URL for this class instead of the default generated name all_rdps?
  2. how do I use url_for to generate urls for these endpoints? url_for('admin.All_RDPs.testindex'), url_for('admin.All_RDPs') don't work.


  • You can override the endpoint name by passing endpoint parameter to the view class constructor:

    admin = Admin(app)

    In this case, you can generate links by concatenating the view method name with an endpoint:


    If you don't override the endpoint name, the lower-case class name can be used for generating URLs, like in:


    For model-based views the rules differ - the model class name should be used if an endpoint name is not provided. The ModelView also has these endpoints by default: .index_view, .create_view, and .edit_view. So, the following urls can be generated for a model named "User":

    # List View
    # Create View (redirect back to index_view)
    url_for('user.create_view', url=url_for('user.index_view'))
    # Edit View for record #1 (redirect back to index_view)
    url_for('user.edit_view', id=1, url=url_for('user.index_view'))

    Source: Flask-Admin quickstart