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How do I change matlab colorbar scaling

I am having a really hard time understanding how to change the range of my colorbar in Matlab2015b.

By default it will range from 0 to 1. I managed to change the label by using:

    c.Limits=[0 180] % the range that I want

The problem is the colors don't scale when I do that, in other words it will display from 0 to 180 but still uses the colors associated to [0 1], which makes look the the whole bar like one color.

enter image description here

I used another approach by just changing the ticks and doing:


Again, the colorbar is still associated to 0 to 1, so none of the ticks except 0 will appear as the first one starts at 10.

enter image description here

How do I change the data it is based on ? I tried changing c.UserData but it doesn't do anything.


  • From your comment, I see what you are trying to do.

    You are on the right lines setting ytick, but as you noticed this only changes the position of the ticks on your colorbar, but the scaling stays the same. Instead, try to set yticklabel:

    % Show the colorbar
    c = colorbar;
    % Define the desired ticks
    ticks = [0:10:180];
    % Sets the correct location and number of ticks
    set(c, 'ytick', ticks / max(ticks));
    % Set the tick labels as desired
    set(c, 'yticklabel', ticks);