I want to count the inversions while sorting an array with merge-sort. For that purpose I added a variable in the conditionals so that this would be incremented whenever a inversion is encountered. Pseudocode:
mergesort(M, l, r) begin
if (l < r) then
int m <- (l + r - 1)/2; //for rounding down I use explicitly int
inv <- 0; //set number of inversions
mergesort(M, l, m)
mergesort(M, m+1, r)
i <- l;
j <- m + 1;
k <- l;
while(i <= m and j <= r) do
if (M[i] <= M[j]) then
M'[k] <- M[i];
i <- i + 1;
M'[k] <- M[j];
j <- j + 1;
inv <- inv + 1; //Counting inversions
k <- k + 1;
for (h = i, .. , m) do
M[k + (h - 1)] <- M[h];
for (h = l, .. , k -1) do
M[h] <- M'[h];
However I am not sure whether the complexity remains the same: O(n log n).
Does incrementing of only one variable contributes to giving a worse WC complexity? As I know, it depends only on the biggest summand (n-factor). And would adding a constant or at worst (n - 1) + (n - 2) = 2n - 3 incrementations change the complexity much? If yes, what would you suggest?
If you look to these two lines
j <- j + 1;
inv <- inv + 1; //Counting inversions
They are both T(1)
arithmetic operations, they are in same depth, therefore T(1)+T(1) = T(1)
. The extra line of inv <- inv + 1;
cant change complexity, because time to execute remains constant.