I am in the final steps on my first Ionic-App and I am using the videogular-player.
So far everything works fine but I see a strange bug/feature on my Samsung S5 mini android phone. everytime I am opening my "MediaPlayer-Player"-page, where the videogular-player is integrated I see this strange filmstrips-picture in the background. Also I got an overlay-play not from videogular.
For a test I hide every videogular-plugin like poster and overlayplay and I still see this picture.
Does anybody has an idea where it could come from?
So here the final solution. The problem comes from the missing poster-attribute in the video-html-tag. So i just added the following code in my videogular.js, where I do all the configs with my own controller and everything works fine. The only problem that is still here, is the second-overlay-play.
that.onPlayerReady = function(API) {
that.API = API;
that.API.mediaElement.attr("poster", "./img/1x1.png");