There is an UITableView
in my storyboard. It contains 5 Table view cells.
When I click the first cell, it will go to the second UIView and show the corresponding images. How could I code the UITest part to test whether the image show up when I click the first cell?
There is a magic part of XCode 7- UIRecording
First selected the testCase,and start recording like the Gif
Then you will see,UIRecording create UITest code for you,In my case,I get
let app = XCUIApplication()
app.otherElements.containingType(.NavigationBar, identifier:"UIView").childrenMatchingType(.Other).element.childrenMatchingType(.Other).element.childrenMatchingType(.Other).element.childrenMatchingType(.Image).element.tap()
Then,I just need a little change
let app = XCUIApplication()
let imageView = app.otherElements.containingType(.NavigationBar, identifier:"UIView").childrenMatchingType(.Other).element.childrenMatchingType(.Other).element.childrenMatchingType(.Other).element.childrenMatchingType(.Image)
let count = imageView.images.count
XCTAssert(count != 0)
So,the there are mainly two step
Then run