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How to set the alignment and width of all cells of a large Handsontable?

How to set the alignment and width of all cells the easy way?



Edit: Here my modified question - How to set the alignment and width of all cells of a large Handsontable? Is it possible to access all cells at once or to iterate over the cells?


  • If you want to set the same width and same alignment for every cell in your table, then you simply want to add the following to your options object:

        "colWidths": 200,      // where 200 is an example width in pixels
        "className": "htRight" // this is an example; you can choose from 
                                      "htRight", "htLeft", "htMiddle", "htBottom", and "htTop"

    If using a type other than text, the text-align property is given high priority. Therefore, to override this using CSS, you could add the following rule; this is an example on whatever className you used and assuming you want to stick it to the right.

    .htCenter {

    And at any point in your code, you can update these settings using updateSettings().