Is there a better way to store numerical data in an uint64 other than using x digits for one piece, y digits for other stuff? (20 digits total to work with)
I am trying to store information about an object without having the overhead of making a struct or class. I need to get/set as fast as possible with minimal overhead.
So, as far as I know voxels coding. If you want to store "blocks" data that is defined one by one then you can use interval tree , where the key of each node is the start of a run and the value is the coordinate of the run. Implemntation example.
Also, you NEVER store single block as class but SET of blocks for example block 3x3 can be done as:
as you see I just coded data position of 9 blocks in two bits This is simplified method for which data size is not the problem but fast implementation of iteration that needs form you some algorithm.
Before you even start play with Voxels read these
Internet is full of answeres, but these will give your information that you need. Also keyword that I think you were mising is VOXEL