SweaveOpts are now shut off and the macro is no longer auto populating, but I still cannot get my plot into the document
I am using R-Studio, the latest version on my laptop and my desktop. All my packages are up-to-date as of this morning. I am trying to on my laptop insert a plot into a pdf. I am using knitr
and pdfLatex
, the global options in R-Studio are set to knitr and pdfLatex, the same as on my desktop.
When trying this on my laptop the following always appears in my .Rnw
which is preventing me from rendering my pdf the way I want, meaning my plots do not show inside the document but as a separate file. I ensured I have exactly the same settings in R-studio on the laptop and desktop, I am using the same exact version of R in each 3.1.3 and the same exact packages to produce the document knitr
and ggplot2
I am completely baffled on how to shut \SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE}
off and make it stay off.
The head of the document on my desktop looks like this:
And on my laptop for a different document
I did get rid of the \usepackage{setspace}
line just to see if that was the issue and it was not.
I have also noticed that when I insert a code chunk and start to type options inside of it, like fig.align='center'
the autocomplete works on the desktop but not the laptop, almost like it does not recognize that the knitr
library is loaded.
Try the menu
Tools -> Global Options -> Sweave
and unselect Always enable Rnw concordance (required for Synctex) which should take care of it.