Need some help in submitting my updated package after retargeting to windows phone 8.1.
After I load my solution in visual studio, I click retarget to windows phone 8.1. Later AppxManifest file was created and now I made my changes to the application code and built XAP. When I am submitting this build in windows phone store I am facing this below error:
Invalid package identity name: 2xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-bxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx (expected:)
Invalid package family name: 2xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-bxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx_m0ezkffm1mfsc (expected:)
Help me in submitting this XAP. What am I missing or What should I modify?
I was confused with the new package identity implemented in windows phone 8.1. All I did was reserved a name in the store [I didnt do it for windows phone 8.0 app]. Then a package identity was created. I copied and put it in package.appxmanifest and rebuilt the application and that solved the errors.
Thank you