I am trying to switch my app from autopublish to publish/subsribe. After trying to set publish/subscribe up or my first collection, none of my items from the collection are being displayed anymore, and I am at a loss at what might be going wrong.
Can someone spot a mistake in my code below or give any hints as to how to debug this type of problem?
Router.route('/slug', {
name: 'route.name',
title: 'My Page',
template: 'TemplateName',
subscriptions: function() {
action: function() {
Meteor.publish('myPublication', function() {
return MyCollection.find();
{{#each myCollection}}
I was missing the exposure of the collection to the template. See answer provided here: https://forums.meteor.com/t/publish-subscribe-not-working-how-to-debug/13127/6?u=codejak