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What will the RightSignature API send to my callback URL when a signer signs a document

When I send a one-off document to RightSignature via their API, I'm specifying a callback location in the XML document as specified in RightSignature's schema definition. I then get a signer-link value back from their API for the document. I display the HTML response from the signer-link URL in an iFrame on our website. When our user signs the document in this iFrame, which is rendering the responses from their website, I want their website to post to our callback location.

Can I do this with the RightSignature API and does it make sense?

So far, I'm only getting content in the iFrame that indicates that the signing was successful. The callback location does not seem to be getting called.


  • I found the answer with some help from the API team at RightSignature. I was using callback_location but what I really wanted is redirect_location. Their online documentation was difficult to follow and did not clearly point out the difference. I got this working after a lot of trial and error.