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How do you specify a negative step for an unsigned integer index in a for-loop

How do you specify a negative step on a unsigned integer index for a for-loop in

The following code will not compile:

Option Strict

For i as uLong = uLong.maxvalue To 0 Step -1UL
next i

Gives this: Error: BC30439 Constant expression not representable in type 'ULong'


  • A unsigned Int16/Int32/Int64 cannot be represented as negative value, there is no way to do that, see ULong.MinValue.

    You have two options here:

      1. Simulatte a negative step by using a while/until loop:

        Dim i As ULong = ULong.MaxValue
        While (i <> ULong.MinValue)
            i -= 1UL ' Decrement current value by desired amount.
        End While
      1. Set the /removeintchecks vb's compiler parameter, then you can use negative values for unsigned datatypes.

        Note that you can set this parameter in a guided way trough the configuration page of the solution, in the "Advanced Compile Options", check "Remove Integer Overflow Checks".