I have a site that allows users to log in via multiple services (LinkedIn, Email, Twitter, etc..).
I have the below structure set up to model a User
and their multiple identities. Basically a user can have multiple identieis, but only one of a given type (e.g. can't have 2 Twitter identiteis).
I decided to set it up as a polymorphic relationship, as drawn below. Basically there's a middle table identities
that maps a User
entry to multiple *_identity
The associations are as follows (shown only for LinkedInIdentity
, but can be extrapolated)
# /app/models/user.rb
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :identities
has_one :linkedin_identity, through: :identity, source: :identity, source_type: "LinkedinIdentity"
# /app/models/identity
class Identity < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :identity, polymorphic: true
# /app/models/linkedin_identity.rb
class LinkedinIdentity < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :identity, as: :identity
has_one :user, through: :identity
The problem I'm running into is with the User
model. Since it can have multiple identities, I use has_many :identities
. However, for a given identity type (e.g. LinkedIn), I used has_one :linkedin_identity ...
The problem is that the has_one
statement is through: :identity
, and there's no singular association called :identity
. There's only a plural :identities
> User.first.linkedin_identity
ActiveRecord::HasManyThroughAssociationNotFoundError: Could not find the association :identity in model User
Any way around this?
I would do it like so - i've changed the relationship name between Identity and the others to external_identity
, since saying identity.identity
is just confusing, especially when you don't get an Identity record back. I'd also put a uniqueness validation on Identity, which will prevent the creation of a second identity of the same type for any user.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :identities
has_one :linkedin_identity, through: :identity, source: :identity, source_type: "LinkedinIdentity"
# /app/models/identity
class Identity < ActiveRecord::Base
#fields: user_id, external_identity_id
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :external_identity, polymorphic: true
validates_uniqueness_of :external_identity_type, :scope => :user_id
# /app/models/linkedin_identity.rb
class LinkedinIdentity < ActiveRecord::Base
# Force the table name to be singular
self.table_name = "linkedin_identity"
has_one :identity
has_one :user, through: :identity
EDIT - rather than make the association for linkedin_identity, you could always just have a getter and setter method.
def linkedin_identity
(identity = self.identities.where(external_identity_type: "LinkedinIdentity").includes(:external_identity)) && identity.external_identity
def linkedin_identity_id
(li = self.linkedin_identity) && li.id
def linkedin_identity=(linkedin_identity)
self.identities.build(external_identity: linkedin_identity)
def linkedin_identity_id=(li_id)
self.identities.build(external_identity_id: li_id)
EDIT2 - refactored the above to be more form-friendly: you can use the linkedin_identity_id= method as a "virtual attribute", eg if you have a form field like "user[linkedin_identity_id]"
, with the id of a LinkedinIdentity, you can then do @user.update_attributes(params[:user])
in the controller in the usual way.