I would like to do this (from matlab):
dists = abs(points(3,(I(1,:)>0)&(I(1,:)<Im_w)&(I(2,:)>0)&(I(2,:)<Im_h)) - t(3))
in Julia - where I is a 3x55 matrix.
I get that its abs(points[3,....]-t(3)). I want it to return just the values that satisfy the criteria, the first being:
I[1,:] .> 0
But all I get is the boolean out, as the documentation suggests is going to happen. What I cant get is a new mx with all the values that are > 0..
This is as close to it as I have: http://www.mit.edu/afs.new/athena/software/julia_v0.3/www/
v(x) = (println(x); x)
julia> v(1) < v(2) <= v(3)
But they say do not use print.. This is a simple question I know.. Thanks in advance.
To create a copy of an array with only selected values in Julia-lang:
J = I[1, I[1,:].>0]
and here is the related documentation about array indexing.
But to translate
from matlab to Julia the nearest statement is: