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How to setState to one particular component instance in RefluxJS?

I'm currently doing one small project in React + Flux (RefluxJS) and I faced wit one issue I can't solve. I would be very gratefully if someone of you can give me a hand.

Here you have the link to GitHub with the whole project in order to facilitate your help, it's a simplest version just to reproduce the problem I faced.

My doubt is, how can I use one component in the same view with different content. Let me explain:

I have on component in, "components/threads.jsx" which in summary render this peace of code getting the data from the store ("stores/thread-store.jsx") throug a fake API ("utils/api.jsx"):

renderThreads: function() { 
    return, i) {  
        return (
            <div key={}>
                <div className="row">
                    <div className="col-md-10">
                        <a data-toggle="collapse" href={'#thread-' +} className="faq-question">{}</a>: <small>{thread.content}</small>

                <div className="row">
                    <div className="col-lg-12">
                        <div id={'thread-' +} className="panel-collapse collapse ">
                            <Posts id={} />


As yo can see, I have another component nested called "Posts" in "components/thread-posts.jsx" which is rendered for each thread is mapped. In the "Posts" component I have this peace of code:

module.exports = React.createClass({
mixins: [
    Reflux.listenTo(PostsStore, 'onChange'),
getInitialState: function() {
    return {
        posts: []
componentDidMount: function() {
render: function() {    
    return (
renderPosts: function() {
    if(this.state.posts.comments != undefined){
        return, i) {
                <div key={i} className="faq-answer">
onChange: function(event, posts) {
        posts: posts,

Here comes the problem. When finish the render, all the threads have the same posts, in particular the lasts ones were set. I think is related with the states, if they change it will be change in all the components were rendered.

So, my question is, how can I deal with it in order to have the posts according to its thread but using the same component? If it's not posible, which is the best solution to do that?

I hope explained myself as well as enough to understand me.

I will be very gratefully if you can give me a hand in this issue.

Thanks in advance.


  • Yes if you share the Store with your View then latest one will be overwrite your previous Component's data

    you have to create a separate variable which can hold the data of each API Call and when call API you have to pass the Key like

    let's take one example

    I have one Component it's called MainComponent I want to use same Component on same page twice but the data should be different for both component I have one Store for MainComponent called MainStore In MainStore I have one Method called getData like

     //API Call

    now I am calling this method from my MainComponent from componentDidMount event like

      //if you used Action then you have to called like 
      // if you directly called 

    here this.props.Key you have to pass from the parent component which should 1 or 2

    now come to store we have passed the Key so now we have to check condition while we received a data from API

    suppose I have taken one variable in which I am storing the data which is return by API like

    now you have to create two methods for store the data based on key var _data,_data1

    function loaddata(APIdata,key)

    and in your store you to methods for getting the data like

    return _data;
    return _data1;

    now your getintialState of MainComponent Should be


    and your MainComponent render function should be

        var LatestData;
        else if(this.props.Key===2)