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How to handle a project with multiple tsconfig.json files?

I'm working on a project structured like this:

|- built
|- src
|- perf
   |- tsconfig.json
|- typings
|- tsconfig.json

My tsconfig.json on the root

"target": "es6",
"outDir": "built",
"rootDir": "./src",

I need a different configuration on the perf folder, like a different target.

"target": "es5",

However, my typings folder is on the root of my project, not inside perf folder. So doing a tsc ./perf results in a lot of errors.

Is there a way to tell TypeScript where to look for typings? I'm using

npm install -g typescript@next
// typescript@1.8.0-dev.20151109

Or a way to have different configurations depending on the folder?


  • Is there a way to tell TypeScript where to look for typings

    Quickest solution

    Move typings into pref.

    Long term solution

    Use filesGlob once it is supported in tsc :