I am new to Fortran 77. I need to read the data from a given text file into two arrays, but there are some lines that either are blank or contain descriptive information on the data set before the lines containing the data I need to read. How do I skip those lines?
Also, is there a way my code can count the number of lines containing the data I'm interested in in that file? Or do I necessarily have to count them by hand to build my do-loops for reading the data?
I have tried to find examples online and in Schaum's Programming with Fortran 77, but couldn't find anything too specific on that.
Part of the file I need to read data from follows below. I need to build an array with the entries under each column.
Data from fig. 3 in Klapdor et al., MPLA_17(2002)2409
E(keV) counts_in_bin
2031.5 5.4
2032.5 0
2033.5 0
I am assuming this question is very basic, but I've been fighting with this for a while now, so I thought I would ask.
If you know where the lines are that you don't need/want to read, you can advance the IO with a call to read
with no input items.
You can use:
to read a line from your input file, discard its contents and advance IO to the next line.